Friday, October 12, 2012

First All Day Sit

Well today (10-12-12) the wind shifted to the NE overnight and that mixed with the dark period pretty much starting today made me want to attempt to pull an all day sit in the spot where we got the pictures of RD since the wind and dark period were nearly exactly as the day he was there for the pictures.

Well to not bore everyone with the details of the "utility rope" dilemma I was all set and ready finally by 7am, with legal shooting time being 7:27 (sunrise 7:57).

The sun came up and God showed me one of the reasons I love hunting, where else do you get to watch this come to life:

Sadly though I would not see anything in the morning hours....mid-day hours and just to make things consistent the evening hours as well. I do believe I had some around me before light and after light but that does me no good now does it.

Well I'm currently planning on hunting again tomorrow first thing in the morning (not all day....I think) but chances of rains could affect that.

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