Thursday, November 15, 2012

11-10-12 Action....

Specs of the hunt:

Where: Homestead

Stand/Location: Far NE one over the primary scrape (which has went dead)

Time in: 6:00am

Time out: 6:15pm down

Wind: S/SE

Well the south winds are perfect for this stand so I hit the stand early and quickly having left gear hanging in the stand it makes for quick climb and set up.

I'm up the stand for maybe two minutes when I have rumblings of deer under me...amazing how quickly it can happen.

This day I would see movement throughout the entire day.

I would have a group of does come down from the NE and work into the bedding area to my W. Then just minutes later I had a 8-pointer (pictured below) following a doe work her up the hill in front of me, then down it and on towards the W. He made 3 scrapes, a rub and worked a million licking branches while I watched him. Pretty neat just wished he'd have given me some better photo ops...although I did have a broadside shot 35 yards away...head was behind a tree so great shot chance just not photo friendly.

I would have a few more smaller bucks working both E to W and W to E throughout the day, but nothing worth shooting ever did come by.

Left bow and gear hanging for a third straight all-day set the following day.

Some pics from the hunt:

(click to see larger image)


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