Friday, November 2, 2012

11-1-2012 First November Buck Hunt in YEARS!

Here's the hunt's specs:

Where: Swamp Property

Stand/Location: New Oak sit on food plot two-track

Time in: 3:00pm

Time out: 7:30pm

Wind: N/NW/W winds throughout the evening

So this would be the first official hunt in the new the cover oak trees provide, but man is there a lot of limbs on ones like this that have enough sunlight. Realized we didn't cut a good spot to pull gear up, but made it do.

I'll be honest the shots here are chip shots to the two track but with all the cover around between the oaks still with dead leaves hanging and some evergreens the deer will be on you before you or they know it! Good thing but man it calls for you to be on top of your game. The following pictures show you the three main shot lanes, you'll notice only really one area provides a shot out over 20 yards (shots out to 45 yards can be taken on that one).

Directly in front of stand...12 yard chip shot for the win to the track.
To my right front (17 yard shot)...scrape right under one of those.
Left front...15 yards to track, but have shots all the way to 45 behind it.

Now the younger Oak that is between my front and left front has a very active scrape under's perfectly located for a time to get set and draw one a buck that moves down the trail as the leaves cover any kind of movement...I can barely make the scrape out through all the leaves even!

Love this set, felt like death was near the entire hunt....but sadly nothing worked. However, it was nice to have a buck tag for the very first time in November in more than 4 years of tagging out early....means October didn't go well, but also means I may once again get to see this thing they call Rut haha!

Left bow, bag and seat up the tree and awaiting my return today when I'll leave work early again to slide into the stand. I plan on streak hunting this spot this afternoon/evening, Saturday, possibly may hunt poplar in the morning as other hunter is going to be running morning interference to the East, and switch to here in the evening then Sunday all day here unless wind or other hunter dictates other plans.

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