Wednesday, December 5, 2012

11-23-2012 Black Friday

Specs of the hunt:

Where: Homestead

Stand/Location: Trident Stand, stand on the SW bottom of hill by food plot

Time in:6:50am

Time out: 12:00 (noon)

Wind: W/NW

First time wind conditions were right for a day where I would be hunting the homestead property for this stand. My father had hunted quite a few times in bow season and after some stories from him I was pumped to see if the stand would come to life for me.

It was a frigid day, starting just above freezing and dropped nearly a degree or more every single hour till I got down. I had absolutely no movement till roughly mid-morning around 10:00am, when two does came from my North. The crazy thing was the wind was picking up and it seriously started gusting hard right as they walked in....those does honestly stopped dead in their tracks and bedded down when it started howling.

Seeing them do this and feeling the wind ripping into me I decided there was no way a deer would move in this weather so I had my father and nephew (up from Southern Indiana) walk back in the food plot to slip the deer away without busting my position.

End of hunt.

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