Thursday, September 20, 2012

Why do the days take so long?

Just wanted to make sure those of you who are stopping by and reading this don't think I've forgotten about this. October 1st cannot get here soon enough....and I know once it does you can bet I'll be up a tree every chance I get! Good luck to those of you who already have been or will be hitting the woods!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Final Prep and I can't wait...

Well Labor Day weekend was a busy one, but for the first weekend in 4 straight it wasn't deer hunting related. I was blessed with a 100+ person reunion which only happens bi-annualy and has family members from all over the US come in for the weekend: Good Times!

Back to reality though this week, and the final prep of stands, trails and such are set to be done by Sunday if all goes according to plan. The new "Swamp Property" is all hung as far as stands go, but I still need to blaze/cut an access trail to the bedding stand through the thick canary grass and cut it's shooting lanes just a touch more. Also the 2nd stand Bill and we hung along the Western trail needs a wedge put in the stand just to be sure it doesn't wiggle any (slight separation between the one cleat and the tree). All stands will get reflective tacks leading to them (if needed) put in as well. After that is all done the only thing left is to mow all 2-track trails down and then continue to walk them 3-4 times a week to continue to keep my scent along them.

As for the home property I just need to cut a trail and tack it leading to our two new stands placed just this season, and check the ones already in existence for the past stand placements still in use. This can be done later on in September if I must seeing as how our place won't get hunted till Mid-October at the earliest but is really shaping up to be our gun-season spot/late season spot.

I'll share pictures from the next card pull (scheduled for Tuesday) with all of you as well. I realize this isn't so much of a hunting log post as a pre-season post, but hey I'm antsy for the season to get here already!